Is this an invasion of my privacy?

What is actionable intrusion?  It generally involves some action that would be offensive to a reasonable person, and in some area that is considered private.  For example, in disputes involving insurance it is not illegal for a defendant to watch and follow the plaintiff as long as it is in a public place. Taking it one step further, a court held that it was not an invasion of privacy for a wife to place a tracking device on her husbands car.  It may, however, be an issue if it was the police that did it as it could be a violation of the persons constitutional rights.

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Who is tracking me online?

Being online is a double-edged sword. If you’re not prepared, you will end up not only losing your clients, but giving their information to potentially dangerous people.

In case you have a privacy policy in your campaign, you’re protecting your customers, while gaining their trust at the same time. As it pertains to your customer, nothing is more vital than their trust and security. When they find that your website gave out information, willingly or not, they will likely stop using your services.

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Aaron Kelly Lawyer discusses what to consider when starting a new business.

Starting a new business? A few things to consider before you dive in.

As a child, I stood in awe at the skyscrapers of metal and glass that were home to some of the world’s biggest corporations. Today, I am equally amazed at the small businesses that are the driving force of our nation’s economy.   No matter what kind of business it is, Aaron Kelly Lawyer always ask myself how it got to where it is today. The success of a business is rooted in its foundation, and like a tree a business is only as strong as its roots.

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